Monday, February 25, 2008

My Fun New Toy

So on saturday Tannaz and I went to BabiesRUs to buy shower presents for Lindsay, well I found this strolller i absolutely LOVED. We have been wanting to get a new stroller for Wy because the ony ones we have now is our huge double limousine that Jack doesnt even use anymore or the tiny umbrella stroller which Luke complains everytime cuz its too short and hurts his back (old fart). I just wanted a midsize lightwieght stroller for Wyatt. This one was it... and it was sooooooooooo cute. Its by Wendy Bellissimo who I love and matched my old camo diaper bag which now I wish I had kept. I know these strollers are new cuz I didnt see them when I went shopping for Kristyn a month ago (trust me, I always browse EVERY aisle in that place!). And Miss thrifty shopper Tannaz had a $20 off any stroller coupon so I knew it was meant for me. I called Luke who told me to send him a picture haha. Such a girl, who gave me "permission" to buy it.... It was $99 then with my coupon came to $79, i was pumped. Anyways its soooo cute and Luke pushed it all over the spectrum on Sunday cuz he liked it so much, he was just excited it was so tall and didnt hurt his old man back! My new fun toy, sad when you become a mom something as simple as a stroller can get you so excited! LOL


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

babies-r-us makes me crazy....i get product overload or something when i go there. can there be 20 different kinds of bottles, soaps, and nursing pads all with a strong argument as to why "this" product is better than "that" one?

i am getting better, but i usually pick stuff out online and then b line it for the item in the store...about 50 % of the time i still like the product once i see it in person :)

lauren said...

love it.