Wednesday, February 6, 2008

G-ma and G-Pa Went Home :(

Its been a fun week, as it always is when Lukes parents visit. The boys woke up this morning and Jackson asked at breakfast if Grndma and Grandpa were coming over. So sad :( He misses them already. They always have so much fun with them. This week was no different. While Luke and I went to the Fitch's for superbowl the boys stayed home and hung out with them. Though it would be a nice time for some quality Grandparent time. Not to mention a break away for mom and dad! Monday night we met up with them at Cheesecake factory for dinner and then cruised the mall... where Grandma spoiled Jack with some new much needed jeans. And yesterday topped the trip off! After i picked Jack up from school the boys and I met them at Chuck e cheese. As well as a friend of Gene's, Kelly, and her two kids Alyssa and Jacob. They were too cute. The kids ran wild there for 3 and a half hours. They had a ball! As did Grandma and Grandpa! Ethan even met us there for a little bit. Later that ngiht we all went to Lukes game and after freezing with ridiculously cranky kids we ended the night and trip with a wonderful dinner at Beachfire. It was sooooo good. We said our goodbyes.... and today they hopped on a plane to head home :( Goodbyes are no fun. We cant wait til they come back again!

1 comment:

ashley said...

what is beachfire? sounds yummy!
and you make my heart hurt for traget. we are supposed to get 2 on the island this year, but they will be an hour away. boooooooooo.